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Prices of Edible Agricultural Products Continue to fall and Prices of Means of Production Rise

Release time:2018-05-09Hits:
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According to the watchdog of MOFCOM, last week (April 23-29), the national market price index of the edible agricultural products fell by 0.7%, and the price index of the means of production increased by 0.4%.

In the market of edible agricultural products, the average wholesale price of 30 kinds of vegetables was 4.17 yuan per kilogram, down 2.8% over the previous week, with the prices of cauliflower, green pepper cucumber down 13.3%, 10% and 9.9% respectively. The wholesale price of meat mainly decreased, and the prices of pork and mutton were 17.31 yuan and 49.3 yuan per kilogram respectively, down by 1% and 0.2% respectively. The price of beef was 52.18 yuan per kilogram, up 0.4% week on week. The wholesale prices of cereals fluctuated slightly, with that of rice down 0.2% and that of flour remaining unchanged. The wholesale price of poultry saw slight change. Among these, the prices of chicken and duck were 15.85 yuan and 17.28 yuan respectively, decreasing by 0.4% and 0.2% respectively over the previous week. The egg price was 8.63 yuan per kilogram, up 1.2% week on week. The average wholesale price of aquatic products picked up with the prices of large hairtail, small yellow croaker and grass carp standing out with a rise of 1.3%, 0.8% and 0.5% respectively. The wholesale prices of edible oil increased, with those of peanut oil, rapeseed oil and soybean oil up 0.3%, 0.1% and 0.1% respectively

In the market of production means, the price of steel increased by 0.7%, and the prices of high-speed wire rod, deformed steel, common middle plate and common round steel were 4,065 yuan, 3,975 yuan, 4,285 yuan and 4,118 yuan per ton respectively, up 1%, 1%, 0.9% and 0.8% respectively. The price of basic chemical raw materials increased by 0.6%, with those of methyl alcohol, sodium carbonate and caustic soda up 2.4%, 1.6% and 1.3% respectively while that of sulphuric acid down 1.2%. The price of rubber increased by 0.6%, with that of synthetic rubber up 1.4% and that of natural rubber remaining unchanged. The price of chemical fertilizer increased by 0.1%, with the prices of urea and KCL up 0.3% and 0.1% respectively and those of NPK and DAP down 0.2%. The price of coal decreased by 0.1%, among which the prices of blind coal and steam coal were 843 yuan and 598 yuan per ton respectively, down 0.4% and 0.2% respectively, and that of coking coal was 744 yuan per ton, up 0.5% compared with those of the previous week.The price of non-ferrous metal decreased by 1%, with those of aluminum, zinc, nickel, lead and tin down 2.6%, 1.8%, 1.6%, 0.2% and 0.1% respectively week on week, and that of copper remaining unchanged.